Thursday, June 14, 2012

Euro crisis = low mortgage rates

Global uncertainty's holding mortgage rates low as Euro-crisis heats up again - #BCREA Mortgage Rate Forecast (PDF): -- BC Real Estate Assoc (@bcrea)

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

New business in Prince George - EnviroMold

I just had a chat with these guys and its great to have another reputable company here in Prince George to help with Mold and other environmental concerns in homes.
Check out their site - Local contact is Geoff Q at 250.552.1628

I will also post their link on my site at for future reference.


Best regards

Dean Birks

Top Office Producer 2011

Top MLS® Producer - Prince George 2011

Royal LePage Prince George
Phone/Text (Direct): 250-612-1709
Fax (Direct): 1-888-870-4132


Oh, by the way. I'm never too busy for your referrals!