Population – Prince George is home to 83,225 people (census agglomeration) and 313,556 people in the trading area.
Housing – Average cost of purchasing a home in Prince George in 2007 was $240,245. Average cost of renting an apartment or townhome in 2007 was $650.
Climate – Prince George enjoys a dry climate with four complete seasons – lots of sun between May and September and lots of snow between November and March. Average January temperature is -10C and average July temperature is 22C, though most years bring temperature extremes above 30C and below -20C on occasion.
Earnings – Average annual labour force income is nearly $40,000, significantly higher than the BC average.
Employment - Employment rate in Prince George is 69.9% (2007).
Commute – Maximum commute to downtown Prince George from most residential areas is 15 minutes.
Culture – A variety of active ethnic and cultural groups exist in Prince George to provide programming and assistance to all residents in social, cultural and economic capacities.
Education – Prince George educational institutions include the internationally recognized University of Northern British Columbia, the main campus of full-service College of New Caledonia, two additional community colleges, numerous trades and technical education facilities, close to 50 regional public schools and an assortment of private schools and specialty programs.
Newcomers – The Immigrant and Multicultural Services Society, the Multicultural Heritage Society of Prince George, Le Cercle des Canadiens Français de Prince George, the Prince George Native Friendship Centre, the Welcome Wagon, and numerous employment service providers assist newcomers in getting settled in Prince George.
Shopping – From a seasonal Farmers’ Market to malls and big box establishments, Prince George offers a complete variety of shopping experiences.
Recreation – Eighteen outdoor and six indoor soccer fields, seven ice rinks, two aquatic facilities (one deemed world class), numerous gyms / self defense / dance clubs, 120 parks in city limits, 1600 lakes and streams within one hour, downhill and cross country ski facilities and much more…Prince George is known to be sports crazy!
Transportation – Home to an international airport (YXS), VIA Rail daylight passenger train service, Greyhound and other charter bus services and an ever improving highway infrastructure, there are many ways to travel into and out of Prince George.
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